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Justyna Martin

Vitamin B12 Benefits

Vitamin B12 helps the body convert fats and proteins into energy and aids the breakdown of carbs. It speeds up the metabolism and of course the energy lift helps you to also become more active and motivated.

Vitamin B12 boosts energy levels and motivation, because of the above point it can stop you reaching for the high fat / high sugar foods too. As your body doesn’t crave the instant hit because it is fatigued.

Vitamin B12 produces blood cells, white that boost immunity and red that prevent metoblastic anaemia, carry oxygen and iron, boosting your performance and relieving the common signs of anaemia.

Vitamin B12 stops demyelination of nerves which enables them to send and receive messages. When you have low levels of B12 is the myelin sheath around nerves degrades which can lead to symptoms of anxiety and depression, memory loss, pins and needles, insomnia as well as more severe mental health symptoms.

Vitamin B12 is needed for the production of serotonin, a chemical responsible for regulating mood. Therefor low levels of B12 will have negative impact on your mood.

Vitamin B12 regulates the thyroid, and can be very helpful for those with ME (Myalgic encephalomyelitis, also called chronic fatigue syndrome) and fibromyalgia.

Vitamin B12 regulates the sleep-wake cycle as it prompts proper release of melatonin. It is possible that a deficiency of B12 could lead to disrupted sleep patterns.

Vitamin B12 is crucial in the correct synthesis of DNA, therefore it's used by every cell in the body!

Vegans and vegetarians should pay attention to B12 supplementation as the vitamin B12 is only found in certain animal products, such as:

  • Beef, liver, chicken

  • Fish and shellfish such as trout, salmon, tuna fish, and clams

  • Low-fat milk, yogurt, and cheese

  • Eggs

Most people benefit from B12 shots but there are some key indicators that it can be particularly helpful for:

  • Diet: If you are a vegetarian, vegan or consume a fair amount of alcohol

  • Social: If you use recreational nitrous oxide (laughing gas)

  • Medications: If you take metformin, antacids, proton pump inhibitors, antidepressants or are on contraceptive pill / implant.

  • Health: If you suffer with:

- poor sleep/ insomnia,

- restless legs,

- anxiety,

- thinning hair,

- daily fatigue brain fog,

- anemia,

- gut health problems,

- tinnitus,

- low mood or hormonal imbalances.

  • Plus conditions such as ME, Fibromyalgia, problems with thyroid etc.

You can get your vitamin B12 shot, at Beauty Architect Aesthetics in Peterborough.Our Aesthetic practitioner is qualified to administer vitamin B12, that will help you feel better.

The usual course is as follows: first and second injection a week apart, then once a month.

The price is £29 per injection, however for clients who are having other treatments the price is reduced to £20 a shot. Book your treatment today!



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