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Image by Guido Fuà


Lips are considered to be one of the most alluring and feminine face elements. Prominent, shapely and shiny - they attract attention. 

Therefore, it is worth ensuring that our lips always look beautiful and sensual. How can we achieve that? There are a few treatments available:

Lip fillers

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid brings almost immediate results.

We are able to achieve the desired shape and appearance in just a few minutes.

The effect is visible right after the treatment, however it is even better after 2-3 days, when the slight swelling or sometimes hematomas disappear.


Additionally hyaluronic acid binds water, so thanks to lip fillers the lips are moist all the time.

Lip lift
Lip Mesotherapy

If fillers aren’t your thing, or you are happy with the volume but you would like more defined pout, a slight lift in your lip then lip lift with PDO threads is something for you.


This is achieved by implementing small ‘threads’ (dissolvable sutures) into your lips to add a plumping and contouring effect. The PDO threads, when inserted beneath the skin, hold up drooping skin like a scaffold.  And the results? You will notice more of a definition. The outline of your lips is likely to be more raised and therefore more defined. Think of it as a semi-permanent lip liner with an extra bit of lift.

The Lip Mesotherapy treatment, also known as Meso Lip, is the perfect option for those wanting healthier, plump, hydrated lips without using volumising dermal fillers.


Meso Lip is a rejuvenating treatment, that is designed for the lips. Using microinjections of a meso-cocktail (full of vitamins, nutrients, essential minerals and other hydrating agents), the lips are given a rejuvenating boost. The results: Improvement in the colour, texture, hydration and overall condition. A subtle boost in volume is also visible due to the rehydrating effect of Hyaluronic Acid used in the cocktail.

Thin lips augmentation 

Some people are simply blessed by nature with too narrow lips. If you have thin lips...then lip fillers are the solution! Sometimes people with thin lips may feel unhappy with them, because too narrow lips can be associated with a fierce expression on the face. Lip fillers can significantly improve this. However with thin lips, sometimes 2 separate treatments might be required to ensure client's comfort and safety. If this is required, you pay only once.


Optical reduction may also occur as a result of the aging process. The skin loses its firmness with age and becomes dehydrated, then the lips become less moisturized, which negatively affects their expressiveness - it is manifested by narrowing, wrinkling and drooping corners. It is caused by the disappearance of the sebaceous and sweat glands and the fact that the epidermis is getting thinner and thinner. However, this effect is not only related to the aging process, it can also be caused by smoking, jaw defects or even, too frequent and long exposure to the sun or excessive expression. In all these cases, the appearance of the lips can be corrected with lip fillers.


Lip fillers - Indications for the procedure:

  •  Enlargement of one or both lips

  • Correction of the shape of the lips (reducing asymmetry)

  • Lip contour correction

  • Raising the corners of the mouth

  • Firming lips / moisturizing lips


After lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid, there may be a temporary swelling lasting 2 to 4 days, bruises / hematomas that disappear within 5 days and some soreness. Warming up and massaging should be avoided for 2 weeks. The final effect of lip fillers is visible after about 2 weeks, when the hyaluronic acid "settles" in the tissues. Until then, you may sometimes feel a slight hardening of the tissues.


People prone to 'cold sores' should use prophylactic drugs for 3 days before the procedure, such as Aciclovir (or acyclovir), these tablets should be continued for 2 days after the lip filler treatment.


Russian lips - prominent lips
It is a method in which we use a greater number of punctures, during which we inject the minimum volumes of hyaluronic acid. As a result, hyaluronic acid is distributed evenly.

After the treatment, the lips look very natural. The treatment allows you to lift the drooping corners of the lips, shape up the Cupid's bow, and reduce the asymmetry of the lips.


Contraindications to the lip fillers:

  • pregnancy/ breastfeeding 

  • local skin problems (active acne or active herpes)

  • tendency to develop hypertrophic scars

  • hypersensitivity to hyaluronic acid

  • immune system diseases 


Lip fillers - how long do they last?
The effects of the treatment depend on the patient's age and compliance with the injector's instructions after the procedure. Most often they last 12 months, sometimes even 18 months.


There is an additional advantage to hyaluronic acid lip fillers - they improve hydration of the lips, which improves their appearance - they look more luscious and healthier. 


Lip filler price

The price depends on the product and the amount. At Beauty Architect Aesthetics Lip Fillers cost £200 for 1ml, however if you would like to act as a model then the price is heavily reduced. To find out more about being a model please contact us via email.



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