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Biorevitalisation is the revitalisation of skin in a biological way to rejuvenate, hydrate dry, tired and sun-damaged skin with an immediate effect with results lasting up to 2-3 years. It is also used as a preventative measure to postpone skin ageing. 

It is an injection method that introduces small doses of specially created preparations into the deep part of the skin. This kickstarts skin's production of fibroblasts, collagen and elastin; improves cellular metabolism and deeply moisturizes the skin. These procedures reduce the speed of skin aging and improve the quality of the skin from the inside out through Biorevitalisation.



Profhilo is an innovative treatment that has revolutionized the aesthetic market. It is a preparation composed of stabilized hybrid systems of hyaluronic acid. Contrary to standard fillers, it does not contain any cross-linking agents, and the concentration of hyaluronic acid in it is the highest available in the world and amounts to as much as 64 mg.

Treatment time


No. of treatments


Recovery time



 FROM £245


​What is unique about PROFHILO?

  • It brings very natural visual effects both at rest and during facial movements

  • The procedure  is quick, it takes only ca.15 minutes

  • During the procedure, only 5 punctures per side are made

  • It is thermally stabilized (patented technology that allows the exclusion of emulsifying agents and chemical cross-linking agents such as BDDE, which may cause allergies)

  • It has solid clinical studies that prove its effectiveness

  • It bio-models the skin of the face, enabling the recovery of a beautiful face oval

  • Research has shown that it generates much less inflammation compared to fillers, while stimulating the production of elastin and collagen much more intensively.

  • It combines biovolumetric and stimulating effects


Profhilo is called “the molecule of youth” by the manufacturer for a reason. Its action is comparable to the action of a thousand tiny springs operating inside the skin. It has unique rejuvenating and strengthening properties for the skin, for which it was awarded the gold AMEC AWARD in Paris in 2015.

PROFHILO treatment benefits:

  • triggers the production of elastin and collagen types I, II, IV, VII

  • slims facial features

  • rejuvenates the skin

  • causes a biovolumetric effect

  • smoothes wrinkles

  • gives the skin elasticity

  • restores the lost face profile

  • prevents skin sagging

  • increases its tension

What are stabilized hybrid complexes and how do they work?

Profhilo stabilized hybrid complexes are a combination of:

  • 32 mg of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (H-HA) – the main component of the skin scaffold and the density of the extracellular matrix,

  • 32 mg of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (L-HA) – responsible for the initiation of repair processes in the skin.

How many Profhilo series should be performed?

As a standard, the manufacturer recommends two series of treatments with a 30-day interval, and for people with poor skin condition, an additional third treatment 2 months after the last one.


How long does Profhilo last?

The improvements to the firmness, elasticity and overall quality of your skin should last roughly 6 months (depending on your lifestyle etc.).

What is the procedure of the treatment?

The procedure involves the BAP method which was specifically developed and dedicated to Profhilo. This, in turn, ensures the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

First, puncture sites are marked and disinfected. Then, the preparation is administered by injecting it in 5 points on each side, with a total of 10 points using a specially developed technique.

The entire procedure takes approximately 15 minutes. 

What areas can this treatment be applied to?

  • face

  • neck

  • neckline

  • shoulders

  • hands

  • knees

  • feet.

Contraindications to the Profhilo procedure:

  • pregnancy and lactation period

  • hypersensitivity to hyaluronic acid

  • cancers

  • taking medications that change blood clotting

  • active skin infections (e.g. herpes)


1 treatment 2ml - £245 / special offer: £199

2 treatments only £450 / special offer: £388

3 treatments only £599 / special offer: £540


Profhilo® is a fast, effective and minimally invasive treatment that has gained a lot of popularity in the world of aesthetic procedures. It consists of natural ingredients with the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid which makes it one of the best products on the market currently. The results are nothing but natural and long-lasting.

Profhilo Body treats skin laxity on the body, particularly the abdomen, arms, and above the knees.

Treatment time


No. of treatments


Recovery time

0 - 1 DAY


 £500 FOR 2

Profhilo Body


As the skin becomes more mature it starts to lose the components that keep it firm and youthful. The production of collagen and elastin reduces. Profhilo® treatment is used to replace the loss of these components and also to stimulate their natural production. It hydrates the skin, improves the skin’s firmness in elasticity and makes it smoother.  


As Profhilo® consists of Hyaluronic acid it is absolutely effective in improving skin elasticity and enhancing the quality of skin tissue. Profhilo® is not chemically bonded but rather thermally bonded so it works as a hydrator. It is injected beneath the surface of the skin, it slowly releases the HA and distributes smoothly all over the treated area. It draws and holds water from the body and improves hydration and skin tone.


Profhilo® is sometimes called a bio remodeling treatment because it triggers the body's cell regeneration which greatly improves the skin’s appearance.

After the Profhilo® treatment, the body continues to produce collagen and elastin so it actually brings about a secondary skin tightening effect. Profhilo® treatment is absolutely effective in reversing the signs of aging and turns the loose skin into a firm and elastic one.



Profhilo® treatment can generally replenish the volume in loose skin, remodel the tissue and improve skin laxity when targeting: 

  • inner arms

  • knees

  • abdomen 

When Profhilo® is injected into the targeted area, it is absorbed by the skin in a uniform and effective way. It makes the skin firmer, smoother and hydrated. It tightens the skin and makes it look more youthful. Also, it stimulates the production of elastin and collagen which is very beneficial for the skin in the long run.



 As Profhilo® treatment is versatile it can be ideal for patients who are in their late 20s and also for older ones. So, this treatment can be used as a preventive measure for patients who want to keep and stimulate natural cell regeneration in their bodies and maintain their skin fresh and firm. 

More mature patients can use this treatment for the restoration of their skin. They can address the lost skin elasticity and eliminate creases and lines. With this treatment, they can restore the skin's firmness and youthfulness.  

Ideal candidates for this treatment are patients who are realistic about their expectations and don’t want the results to be overly noticeable and unnatural. 

Generally, the Profhilo® for the body treatment is suitable for both men and women who wish to hydrate their skin and make it more younger-looking.



Although Profhilo® is a natural and safe product some patients should avoid it especially if they:

  • have bleeding disorders

  • have severely compromised immune system

  • are allergic to HA

  • have inflammation on the targeted body areas

  • are sensitive to gram-positive bacteria proteins 

  • pregnant or breastfeeding


First we need to do a consultation, to find out if the treatment is the best for you. The consultation can be done the same day as the treatment. 

Then we prep the skin, apply numbing cream (if required) and proceed with injections.

The injections are done with very fine needles just beneath the skin.  Profhilo® BODY is injected in the exact points on the skin that have been predetermined and marked. This technique is called the BAP technique and represents a treatment protocol for the abdomen and inner arms. The injections are administered at only 10 points for each treatment area.

When Profhilo® BODY is injected, it spreads out evenly under the skin because hyaluronic acid is highly concentrated in this product.

The procedure is fast - it can be finished in 30 minutes, all depending on the size of the treatment area and the amount of the product that is used.

Following the injections we apply special Profhilo® FIGURA BODY PATCH which has soothing and moisturizing effect. You will also receive a bottle of aftercare Profhilo® FIGURA BODY CREAM that is applied after the session and at home to keep the results.



Since this is an injectable treatment it is minimally invasive and it doesn’t produce much discomfort. Most patients tolerate it really well. When the Profhilo® is injected the patient feels mild stinging but it only lasts for a few seconds. The injector administers the needles really slowly and gently so maximum comfort for the patient is ensured.  


After the procedure, there is usually minimal to no downtime. Everyone is different but in most cases, clients can resume their activities right after the treatment, because there shouldn’t be any signs of injections. 

  • do not touch or massage the treatment area for 6 hours after the treatment to avoid infections

  • the treated areas may look a bit bumpy but this should stop after a few hours

  • you should refrain from strenuous exercise after the treatment

  • avoid steam rooms, saunas and hot baths or showers for 24-48 hours

Swelling, redness, mild bruising, itching or tenderness to the touch may appear at the injection sites after the treatment but these sensitivities should end 2 or 3 days post-procedure. 

In case of any unusual side effects or discomfort, you must inform your injector right away.  



Initially, the treatment consists of two sessions that are spaced four weeks apart. Profhilo® is then absorbed deeper into the layers of the skin and triggers the production of collagen and elastin. These skin ingredients then build new and healthy-looking skin. 

After six months the Hyaluronic acid in Profhilo® is broken down naturally. But, as every patient is different, this can vary depending on the amount of Profhilo® that is used in the treatment and the level of HA that is already present in the patient’s body. The results of this procedure can be visible from 3 to 18 months after the HA breaks down.



Every patient is different and has different skin concerns. Some patients may see the initial results right after the first treatment sessions. Others may need to wait for a few weeks because it takes a little time for the new collagen to build up.

The best results are seen two months after the second treatment session. They include improvement in skin laxity, elasticity and general appearance. Patients may decide to have further touch-up treatments to maintain the results but only if the Profhilo® specialist recommends it after he/she is certain that the patient’s body responds well to the treatment.


Full treatment consists of 2 sessions,

with aftercare pack and costs £500.

Currently, we have an introductory offer for £399 for the full treatment.

Book your complimentary consultation today!


Fast lifting at the cellular level

Nucleofill is an innovative product that tightens, firms and moisturizes the skin, ensuring its rejuvenation and beautification. Its active ingredient is a polynucleotide gel, which action is based on the following mechanisms:

  • antioxidant effect

  • stimulation of fibroblasts

  • tissue hydration

Nucleofill is a product consisting of long polymer chains of naturally derived polynucleotides. It is sterile, absorbable and free from fever-causing substances (pyrogen-free).

Treatment time

10 - 40 MINUTES

No. of treatments


Recovery time

0 - 1 DAY


FROM £150


What is unique about the Nucleofill treatment?

  • has a multi-track effect

  • is composed of polynucleotides

  • counteracts photoaging

  • rejuvenates the skin

  • shows antioxidant properties

  • suitable for all skin types

  • provides a clear rejuvenation without intervening on the facial features

Lifting action

Under the influence of the Nucleofill components, the receptors on fibroblasts are stimulated, which in turn cause the formation of new collagen and elastin. As a result, the skin becomes denser, more elastic and firm.

Moisturizing action

Under the influence of the Nucleofill formula, water is bound by the hydrophilic groups of nucleotides. This leads to deep tissue hydration.

Antioxidant effect of Nuclofill

The polymeric molecules of the Nucleofill formula have the ability to bind free radicals* into aromatic rings in nitrogen bases. This action is called antioxidant and helps to restore the skin’s balance. The neutralization of free radicals delays the skin aging process caused by their presence.

*What are free radicals?

Free radicals are unpaired atoms which are formed as a result of various chemical reactions. Due to the presence of one free electron, they are chemically very reactive.

Free radicals try to recover the missing electron by taking it over from other molecules. They contribute to DNA degradation and are considered a cause of aging.

Free radicals present in the skin oxidize, inter alia, collagen and elastin proteins, contributing to the loss of elasticity and the formation of wrinkles. Oxidation of epidermal fats disrupts the skin’s protective barrier, which leads to its sensitization and drying. The presence of free radicals also reduces the skin’s regenerative capacity.

Free radicals wreak havoc not only on the skin, but also throughout the body. They contribute to the emergence of many serious diseases.

Who will benefit from Nucleofil treatment:

Clients who:

• want to achieve a visible rejuvenation effect without interfering with facial features

• want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, furrows and make the skin firmer

• are exposed to oxidative stress (air pollution, sun exposure, smoking, poor diet)

• have flabby and dehydrated skin

• want to prepare the skin for filler treatments in order to prolong their aesthetic effect

What areas can be treated with Nucleofill?

  • face

  • body

  • neck

  • cleavage

  • hands 

How many Nucleofill treatments should be taken?

To ensure the best results, a course of 3 - 4 treatments performed at intervals of 15-30 days are required.

What is the Nucleofill procedure?

An anesthetic cream is used before using some of the administration techniques involving more punctures. After disinfecting the skin, the formula is introduced into the deep layers of the skin with a needle.


  • pregnancy and lactation

  • cancers of various kinds

  • epilepsy

  • autoimmune diseases (past and present)

  • diabetes

  • severe allergy

  • persistent inflammation

  • hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the preparation

  • circulatory diseases

  • anticoagulants

  • active herpes

  • infection

  • age under 18

  • swelling or redness in the treatment area

  • fever


*strong 1.5ml - £179

Buy a course of 3 and pay only £440! Save £97!

Buy a course of 4 and pay only £560! Save £156!

*medium 1.5ml - £150

Buy a course of 3 and pay only £399! Save £51!

Buy a course of 4 and pay only £499! Save £101!

*Please note strength is selected according to client's skin's needs. 

Strong - for older skin, with visible signs of ageing

Medium - for younger skin, as prevention


Injectable moisturiser 

By injecting tiny amounts of hyaluronic acid (a naturally occurring substance in the body) superficially into your skin, we can airbrush away small textural issues and dramatically boost moisture and luminosity. It works beautifully on its own or in combination with other treatments.

Treatment time


No. of treatments

4 - 6

Recovery time

0 - 2 DAYS


FROM £69

What is unique about the HA Skin Booster treatment?

  • it's an injectable moisturiser

  • plumps up skin, skin is glowing

  • saturation of moisture in dry and dehydrated skin,

  • smoothing small creases and wrinkles,

  • skin tone improvement 

  • recovery after excessive sunburn and various cosmetic procedures.

Who will benefit from HA Skin Booster treatment:

This is perfect for anyone who is looking after their skin. It's an injectable moisturiser - so unlike an ordinary moisturiser, which sits on top of your skin, and only a fraction can penetrate deeper - this is delivered directly where it's need!

This Hyaluronic Acid Skin Booster is made up of high concentration of (non-crosslinked, naturally occuring) hyaluronic acid. HA triggers the division of fibroblasts and plumps up the skin! Just one molecule of HA binds up to one thousand times its weight in water.

What areas can be treated with HA Skin Booster?

  • face

  • body

  • neck

  • cleavage

  • hands 

How many HA Skin Booster treatments should be taken?

To ensure the best results, an initial course of 4 - 6 treatments every 10 days is required. Then, a maintenance treatment once every 1,5 months is advisable.

What is the HA Skin Booster procedure?

Skin is thoroughly cleansed and disinfected, then we apply topical anesthetic. Then the skin is injected superficially with a very thin needle.

What is the recovery like?

Immediately after the treatment : erythema and slight oedema might be visible at the injection sites. An occasional hematomas may appear. Usually these disappear within a couple of days. For upto 2 weeks after the treatment, it is advisable to avoid saunas, sunbeds, swimming pool, and in general to avoid temperature extremes.


  • pregnancy and breastfeeding,

  • bleeding disorder,​

  • inflammatory and infectious diseases,

  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug,

  • progressive oncological diseases,

  • exacerbations of chronic diseases.

  • autoimmune diseases are not an absolute contraindication. 

HA Skin Booster prices:

From £69 for face & eye area.

A course of 4 £200.

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